VisionUVCE Vaahini

VisionUVCE Vaahini

All Stories about UVCE - Past, Present and Future


It’s mid July already and your edition of SAMPADA is here, again a bit late! Promising to be your window to namma UVCE, this month’s SAMPADA is jam-packed with a sneak peek into the Grand Celebrations of UVCE’s Centennial Journey, “UVCE PAYANA” and more happenings of...

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A Fresh Start and a Fresh Edition! Here we are and back with the first edition post the Centenary Mark of namma Sampada Edition with SAMPADA 101! Starting with this edition, Team Sampada has new ideas and new dreams and new hopes for the next editions to come! And...

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Sampada can be considered as a source of inspiration for thousands of alumni and students who look forward for a platform to contribute. For any institution, documentation of the events and activities especially important milestones is very essential. This maintenance...

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Update on UVCE Alumni Association Elections

We had covered a story about Save UVCE Alumni Association few weeks back - stating the flow of events as they happened. It included the previous AGM, petition filed at the Dep.Registrar demanding the elections to be held, follow-ups with the office bearers and behind...

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Namaskaara UVCEians, At just 1 step away from hitting the Centenary Feat, SAMPADA 99 is here! At just 1 step away from hitting the Centenary Feat, SAMPADA 99 is here! This edition is filled with exciting and inquisitive reads as we have an array of articles lined up...

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Save UVCE Alumni Association

UVCE Alumni Association is the parent body which can work as a platform for all UVCEians to network and work towards making UVCE a better place. We had started a petition to "Revive the Alumni Association" few days back and you can read about it here. But even more...

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Revive the UVCE Alumni Association

UVCE Alumni Association is the parent body which can work as a platform for all UVCEians to network and work towards making UVCE a better place. From quite few years now, the Alumni association has turned deaf and blind to Alumni needs and requests. Inactivity and...

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Namaskaara UVCEians! We are two editions away from the Centennial edition of namma SAMPADA! We are two editions away from the Centennial edition of namma SAMPADA! In the light of this momentum we have packaged this edition of Sampada with a lot of specially tailored...

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As we step one more step closer to the Centennial Edition of namma Sampada, here we present to you Issue No 97... Woven around theme of “Engineer’s Competent Careers”, this edition has a lot in store with many of our Alumni sharing their views! From Space to...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's 1st of January and an exciting 96th edition of Sampada is here for you! Waving a goodbye to 2017 and making way to an enthusiastic 2018, we thought how about giving our edition of Sampada also a little makeover! As we approach the centenary...

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